Placing the views of all parent carers at the heart of decision making.

We are the new forum for parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in East Sussex.

About Us

We work together to ensure every parent carer in East Sussex feels that their voice, their views and their experiences matter and contribute towards developing and improving services. We do this by:

Reaching out to parent carers to hear their views

Representing parents’ experience and expertise to decision-makers

Making recommendations for service improvement

For Parent Carers:

Please join us and get involved in raising awareness of our children’s needs, recognition of our role as parent carers and bringing about change.

For Organisations that Provide a Service:

Please get in touch to discuss how we can work together to strengthen your support to local families.

News and Resources

Young boy is cooking in a kitchen, watched over in the background by a female adult

East Sussex commissioning update

ESPCF meets every half term with the SEND (special educational needs and/or disabilities) commissioning team at East Sussex County Council. It’s an opportunity to hear updates and share feedback. Read our latest update.
Young child balancing on wooden poles holding onto to outstretched hand from grown up

Statement on neurodevelopmental pathway in Sussex

The three Sussex parent carer forums - East Sussex, Brighton, and West Sussex - have published a statement calling for urgent action to tackle alarming situation facing SEND families with children and young people on the neurodevelopmental pathway.

Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA) parent carer group

We are looking for additional parent carers with experience or knowledge of emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA) to join our ‘reference group’ and help us to ensure a strong parent carer voice is heard and acted on in the local authority’s EBSA work.